
The coronavirus lockdown restrictions in Uganda have created urgent needs for our partners in the Kamuli District. Pastor David as director of DOTWA Africa NGO is currently feeding over 750 families which is almost 5,000 people. Cornerstone is providing the means to purchase food and supplies for these meals along with River City, our Uganda partner church in California.


You can make a special donation to our COVID-19 giving fund to help fight hunger and starvation amongst our brothers and sisters in Uganda. Please write Uganda in the memo of your donation. Simply click on the button below to submit a secure online donation. Thank you for your generosity. 


“The work has started of collecting food for 700 families, Glory to God. This week are using a donation from Cornerstone church, a donation from River City, and school food budget of June. The donation from Cornerstone will purchase food, maize flour, and a donation from River City and the money from the school budget for food of June will purchase beans. God bless you River City Christian and Cornerstone church for the big heart of Christ. Today when we were offloading food, I remembered a child at school who cried on my chest when the schools were closed, she said 'Director, we will miss our school work, our teachers and our worship devotion at school,' and she looked at my eyes and asked me a hard question, saying, 'pastor above all where will we get food from?' She made me to cry, answering her that our Big God will provide. I thank God, that during this hard time, He has made a lot of people to smile after seeing food distributed in their homes.  God is great.”