Streams 2019

A series on the historical expression of the church, and the streams the Spirit uses to bring renewal.

The Virtuous Stream: The Holiness Centered Life              - Pastor Brian Carlucci

November 10, 2019

Brian teaches on the healing, growth, and transformation Jesus offers.

The Justice Stream: A Compassion Centered Life            - Pastor Brian Carlucci

November 3, 2019

Brian shares about the most public of all the streams as he teaches on Justice and Mercy.

The Evangelical Stream: A Word Centered Life                 - Rabbi Gene Binder

October 27, 2019

Rabbi Gene teaches on the history and distinctives of the  Evangelical stream  

The Charismatic Stream: A Spirit-Filled Life                      - Pastor Aaron Wardle

October 20, 2019

A look at the biblical backgrounds, historical origins, and modern applications, of the spirit filled life as seen through the charismatic stream.

The Messianic Stream: The Rebirth of Our Jewish Roots - Rabbi Gene Binder

October 13, 2019

Rabbi Gene teaches on the Messianic stream and Christianity’s journey to reconnect back to its Jewish roots.

The Contemplative Stream: A Prayer Filled Life                - Pastor Brian Carlucci

October 6, 2019

Brian shares how the contemplative stream connects us to healing, peace, and security.

The Faithfulness of God Through the Generations           - Pastor Brian Carlucci

September 29, 2019

Brian introduces the Streams series... with a look at the faithfulness of God through the years.