We want to encounter God in real, life-changing ways, and prayer is practical way we create space to experience God's love, power, and presence.
Prayer Requests
We would love to come alongside you in prayer. You can submit prayer requests by clicking the button above or text your prayer request to (833) 265-5246. You will be able to note if this request is confidential and request a meeting with our prayer team or our pastoral staff.
Prayer Team
Our prayer team is available after all of our Sunday services to pray for you. For those needing additional prayer, consider setting an appointment with our prayer team outside of our Sunday service times. Please contact Emily Gaud to make an appointment. Online and in person meeting options available.
Throughout the year we host various corporate prayer events as a way to come together in prayer for our community. We also provide trainings on specific prayer practices to learn new ways of encountering God. Information about these events will be posted here.