
The Pharisee and the Tax Collector
- Pastor Tim Coressel

June 26, 2022

Jesus challenges our assumptions about what really pleases God, and reframes the conversation about who God really loves and accepts.

Parables: Prayer and Loving Union
- Pastor Brian Carlucci

June 19, 2022

Brian spends time taking us through one of Jesus' most extensive, and multifaceted lessons on prayer.

Parables: Issues of the Heart
- Pastor Brian Carlucci

June 12, 2022

Brian spends time talking about the things that make Jesus angry, but most importantly his passion for our full heart.

Parables: Mustard Seed Moments
- Pastor Aaron Wardle

June 5, 2022

Aaron looks at The Parable of The Mustard Seed, and how Jesus invites His followers to see and experience the the reality of The Kingdom of God

Parables: Welcome to the New Normal
- Rabbi Gene Binder

May 29, 2022

Gene looks at a parable that may explain all the craziness in the world today - especially how believers are to live in the middle of the that craziness.

Parables: The Sower
- Pastor Gabe Kinzley

May 22, 2022

Gabe will be looking at the parable of the sower, when Jesus makes the announcement to the world that he's come to restore all things.

Parables: The Day Jesus Killed A Fig Tree
- Pastor Gene Binder

May 15, 2022

Rabbi Gene explains a challenging passage and reveals that its true Jewish context teaches us about the main goal of every church.

Parables: The New Wineskins
- Pastor Brian Carlucci

May 8, 2022

As we say goodbye to our sanctuary of the past 23 years, Brian leads us through a time of remembering the past and anticipating the future.

Parables: Lost Sheep, Lost Coin, & Lost Sons
- Pastor Aaron Wardle

May 1, 2022

This week Aaron looks at three familiar parables found in the Gospel of Luke that reveal the heart of God and expose the hearts of people.

Parables: Treasure in a field
Kingdom Assignment 2
- Pastor Brian Carlucci

April 24, 2022

Brian starts off our new series on the parables of Jesus, with the parable of the "treasure in the field," and challenges us to live with greater urgency for what God is doing. The message ends with our second Kingdom Assignment. A Challenge fo our entire church.