Weekly Middle School Services:
Sunday Nights, 5:30 - 7:30 PM at Cornerstone

Sometimes it feels incredibly difficult to feel, hear, see, and ultimately follow God. But God is not far away, and He's definitely not hiding from us.
In this series we are going to learn how we can see God in the world around us, ways we can hear His voice, and how we pursue a relationship with a God who seems invisible but is, in reality, incredibly present and so near to us.
February 2nd Sunday Nights
February 8th Event | Super Duper Bowl. Details TBA.
February 9th OFF
February 16th Sunday Nights
February 21st-22nd Event | Now and Later 2025. Click HERE for details.
February 23rd Sunday Nights
March 2nd Sunday Nights
March 9th Sunday Nights
March 16th Sunday Nights
March 23rd OFF | Spring Break
Marth 30th OFF | Spring Break
April 6th Sunday Nights | 5th Grade Preview Night
April 13th Sunday Nights
April 20th OFF
April 27th Sunday Nights
May 4th Sunday Nights
May 11th OFF
May 18th Event | New 6th Grade Orientation Luncheon
May 18th Sunday Nights | Last Sunday Nights of the school year!
May 25th OFF