
We decided to celebrate our twenty years at this location by taking a look at something very important: the legacy we leave. As a community, as followers of Jesus, and in individual relationships, it is important to take the time and look at our role in the big story and the way we impact others.

Commit to Unity ~ Pastor Gabe Kinzley

April 30, 2017

Youth Sunday was a perfect time to kick off our new series, Legacy, with Gabe speaking about the importance of unity. Through stories, scripture and several living examples, Gabe illustrated the importance of making a commitment to one another. At the very core of it, Legacy involves this commitment to stay united as we go through life and remain together through challenge and celebration.

The Longview: Leaving Behind an Enduring Legacy of Faith ~ Rabbi Gene Binder

May 7, 2017

Rabbi Gene jumps into the Legacy series with a message centering around the type of perspective necessary for us to live out a legacy of faith. Gene calls it the Longview and it's a perspective where we look at our lives in the recognition that we are participating in a marathon, not a sprint. Because of this, we remember our past and learn from success and failure. We live in the present and engage in life as it's happening. We evolve for the future, maintaining the attitude of a life-long learner, "not that I have attained it yet, but I press on towards the goal..."

Legacy of our Words ~ Pastor Brian Carlucci

May 14, 2017

Words have power. Whether this power gives us hope and empowers us or lingers in our mind wearing us down, words stick with us and shape our view of ourselves and our reality. In this message Brian acknowledges the damaging power of words but continues to share how words can also bring healing and about the incredible power of blessing.

Vision Sunday: The Cornerstone Legacy ~ Rabbi Gene Binder

May 21, 2017

We end the Legacy series here at Cornerstone by taking some time to remember where we've been, acknowledge some exciting changes that are happening today, and take a brief look at what's coming up. Rabbi Gene lays out some of the amazing stories of God's faithfulness and some highlights from his last 23 years of following God in Boulder. Gene also announced an official transition of leadership for Cornerstone and a change in roles for both him and Brian