Women’s Bible Study
Women, you are invited to join the Women’s Bible Study this fall. We have women of every generation that attend, and three different groups you can join.
Tuesday morning from 9-11 where childcare is available—space is limited for our babies and preschoolers. So please register early to save your spot.
Your second option is Wednesday night, 6:15-8:15.
Finally there is a Zoom option that will likely meet on Friday morning, depending on the availability of the group members.
This year we will be studying 22 psalms. In the Gospel narratives, we read stories about what Jesus said and did. But as the Jewish hymnal and prayer book, the Psalms give us insight into how he prayed. Join us as we study these ancient poems to better know the heart of God, and how to express your own heart to Him. Registration is open until Sept. 4, and Bible Study starts Sept. 10th and 11th.