Formational Prayer Seminar
Cornerstone is proud once again to partner with our friends at Healing Care Ministries to host a Formational Prayer Seminar October 9-12.
This seminar is for anyone who wants to learn more tools to help position people for greater wholeness.
Each day will include lectures, special presentations, demonstrations of relevant protocols of care, and multiple opportunities to learn in a small group with a gifted caregiver.
Wednesday, October 9th – 8am to 5pm
Thursday, October 10th – 8am-5pm
Friday, October 11th – 8am-5pm
Saturday, October 12th – 8am-1pm
Gain a foundational understanding of how experiences impact your present life, and learn methods you can use to position yourself and others for greater wholeness. This in-person event is a training event, but is also full of opportunities to experience God at work in your own life.
Wondering if this is for you?
CLICK HERE for more info and Registration infomation
Read THIS LETTER from the founder of Healing Care, Terry Wardle, to hear his personal story and how Healing Care Ministries was formed.
Questions? Email info@healingcare.org