Bible 101: Tools for Digging Deeper

We invite you to join this 5-week class where we will learn how to let our curiosity lead us toward greater understanding when we read the Bible.We will learn how to ask questions and observe the text carefully, to be an active reader, and to use the tools at our disposal to dig in.Careful observation will lead to a greater and more accurate understanding of what the text is saying and what the author was conveying to his audience.These tools all depend on the Holy Spirit to reveal, teach, lead into truth, and open our eyes to how we can apply the truth of the Word in our lives.

The event is finished.


Jul 29 2018


10:45 am - 12:00 pm


1190 S. Lashley Lane, Boulder

Cornerstone Boulder

Sunday Service Times:
9:00am | 11:00am

1190 S. Lashley Lane
Boulder, Colorado 80305

p: (303) 499-5559

Tools We Use