
- Pastor Aaron Wardle

October 24,  2021

We wrap up our Established series, and hear some of our pastors' stories of how they have experienced and been impacted by being in "Community," which is our final element. They also will be sharing how they seek to create community in and through their ministries.

- Pastor Brian Carlucci

October 17,  2021

Brian spends time teaching on our element of "Generations" and how we can pour a little of ourselves into another person and leave a spiritual legacy.

- Rabbi Gene Binder

October 10,  2021

Rabbi Gene tackles Cornerstone’s element of generosity and lays a Biblical foundation that generosity is not something we do occasionally, it’s a 24/7 lifestyle that permeates every aspect of how we live each and every moment of our lives.

- Pastor Tim Coressel

October 3,  2021

How do you know what God is calling you to do? It might not be as complicated as you think. Tim talks about our next element Vocation, and the different ways God's calling shows up in our lives.

- Pastor Aaron Wardle

September 26,  2021

Aaron spends time looking at our next element Creativity. Through his talk he unpacks the idea that we are made in the likeness of The Creator who invites us to participate in His Masterpiece by contributing and cultivating our unique creativity.

- Pastor Brian Carlucci

September 19,  2021

Brian spends time teaching on our calling to transform culture despite its complexity.

- Rabbi Gene Binder

September 12,  2021

Gene talks about our next core element Confluence, which is connecting the dots between the Hebrew Scriptures and the Christian Scriptures.

- Pastor Brian Carlucci

September 5,  2021

Brian talks about our next core element Transformation,, which is the process we engage in to become whole healthy followers of Jesus.

Encountering God
- Pastor Brian Carlucci

August 29,  2021

Encounters with God really are possible. But they often come as surprising interruptions to our plans, assumptions, and expectations.

- Pastor Brian Carlucci

August 22,  2021

There are elements God has created in our community that have established us as Cornerstone. In the same way that a family is established by a common history, themes, values, and characteristics a church is built in the same way. We are proud of our elements we are built on and want to continue to see them mature and grow in the generations to come.