Frequently Asked Questions

We hope the following information answers your questions about the project. If you have additional questions, please remember that you can always reach out to our Project Manager, Dan Lance, by emailing

That being said, here are the most frequent questions we've had so far:

What is the spiritual vision?

We believe God has a dream for our city and for this area. He has placed Cornerstone in this city with a mission to bring about His dreams. By Improving our facility we increase our capacity to serve Boulder County for years to come.

We want to steward the future by making a lasting investment in the next generation. We believe that we have benefitted from radical generosity in the past and we want to be the kind of people that extend that same generosity. 

We are committed to living out the calling of being a covenant community that is always ready to welcome the "next" and to love our "neighbor".

How much does the building project cost and how are we paying for it?


We estimate the building project to cost approximately $4million. Although the final plans are still in development, this is the current estimate from our construction partners.

We will use the two-year Dream Boulder funds to pay for half of the cost of the building. The remaining amount will be paid for with a loan. 

E.G. the building cost is $4million, we raise $2million during the two years of Dream Boulder and finance the remaining $2million. 

Have we reached our financial goal?

We reached our initial goal set in 2019 however, due to multiple delays, material costs have risen significantly and the overall cost of our Dream Boulder Project has gone up 20% from the original plan.

Additional donations continue to help offset these additional costs. CLICK HERE to see all the secure ways to give to Cornerstone.  Thank you for your generosity.  


"Seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the LORD for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper."
- Jeremiah 29:7