Our Father, Our King

Typically, people tend to relate to God as either a loving father who supports us, or a powerful king who rules over us. Yet the Hebrew phrase Avinu Malkeinu puts these images side by side: Our Father, Our King. As we go through the book of Matthew, we'll be intentionally using this phrase to approach the text and see how God is both our Father and our King.

It Starts With a Family ~ Pastor Brian Carlucci

December 3, 2017

The new series we're starting just in time for advent is a journey through the book of Matthew. As we look at this book we'll be looking at the ways that God shows up as both our Father who affirms His children as well as a King that leads His kingdom.
What better place to start than by looking at the family Jesus was born into. As Brian shows in this message, both Mary and Joseph have a lot to teach us about what godly masculinity and femininity look like and how we respond to God's work in our life.

A Tale of Two Kings ~ Pastor Aaron Wardle

December 10, 2017

Aaron continues our series on the book of Matthew by looking at the character of two kings: Jesus and Herod. An historical look at the reign of Herod shows a man that was constantly trying to prove himself and protect his power. Jesus, on the other hand, shows a king who knows who He is, who He belongs to, and what He is to be about. A powerful message that causes us to look at ourselves and ask what kind of "king" we tend to be.

The Christmas Story ~ Pastor Brian Carlucci

December 24, 2017

The Christmas season is a special time of the year, but we can often disconnect with some of the very things that exist to help us engage with the power of what this season is all about. In this Christmas Eve message, Brian helps to explain where some of our Christmas traditions come from, and why they can be so powerful for us today when we connect with them.

Whats New in the Bible ~ Rabbi Gene Binder

December 31, 2017

In this New Years Eve message Gene takes the opportunity to share about all of the times that the Bible talks about new things. As it turns out, God is quite a fan of new things and changes that bring life and joy and purpose into the world. As Gene continues he shares about how this newness is available to us all the time, every day, but on a day called New Years Eve, it makes sense to stop, reflect, and intentionally engage in this newness.

Preceding the King ~ Pastor Brian Carlucci

January 7, 2018

Brian takes a look at another chapter in Matthew starring a very important person who came to be known at John the Baptist. Yet, as Brian shows, we all share a similar calling to John: to go into the world in such a way that we help to "shorten the distance" between God and those who still don't know His love for them.

A King-Sized Fatigue Test ~ Rabbi Gene Binder

January 14, 2018

Brian takes a look at another chapter in Matthew starring a very important person who came to be known at John the Baptist. Yet, as Brian shows, we all share a similar calling to John: to go into the world in such a way that we help to "shorten the distance" between God and those who still don't know His love for them.

A Revolutionary Kingdom ~ Pastor Brian Carlucci

January 21, 2018

This series has been looking at how God is both our Father and our King, but every king has a kingdom and every kingdom has a way in which it works. Brian explores the unique way the Jesus sets up His kingdom and, specifically, why this kingdom leads us to real joy and how we find this joy in unexpected places.

The Economy of the Kingdom ~ Pastor Aaron Wardle

January 28, 2018

This series is all about how we look to God as both our Father and our King, and one of the ways this appears vividly is in the parable of the Master and the Day-workers. It's an insightful look into the economy of the Kingdom of God. As Aaron explores the parable, he looks at how this King and His economy is characterized as being personal, compassionate, faithful, and generous.

The Throne of Our Hearts ~ Pastor Brian Carlucci

February 4, 2018

We conclude this series with a special Sunday looking back on the past year of our Common Good initiative. We also take some time to close out the series looking at the idea of a throne. Thrones symbolize authority, control, and power across cultures and the authority sitting on the throne exerts a powerful influence in our lives. For some thrones are an archaic symbol while others seek to put themselves on the "throne of their life". However, it's only when we put God on the throne and when we sit in the place of the servant that we experience the passion, purpose, and direction that we crave so deeply in our hearts.