To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.
—Ecclesiastes 3:1
The years 55 and over mean different things to different people. Some are still at the peak of their careers. Others are enjoying retirement or an encore career. Living Bolder exists to enrich the lives of Cornerstone’s members at this stage of life through dynamic opportunities for Connection, Growth and Service.
These are the wise years where we have much to offer to adult children, grandchildren, and the younger members of our church and community. It is a time of transitions and awakening to new discoveries and new opportunities.
Living Bolder is Cornerstone’s special ministry for men and women in this age group, and is focused on three areas:
Connection: We have social events throughout the year—dinners, brunches,
games, outings—to create pathways for connection and fellowship that will draw
us together for mutual encouragement, shared insight, and pure fun.
Growth: We will offer opportunities for learning, recreating, and sharing. Our
ability to learn, discover, explore, and recreate is what helps us to continually
reinforce a sense of meaning and connection to God’s creation. And it’s super-
healthy for mind, body, and soul!
Service: We look to serve others in meaningful ways—at Cornerstone, in our
community, and even around the world. Serving can mean anything: service
projects, volunteering, preparing meals, spending time with those in need—any
way to lift a helping hand together to those who will benefit from our extra time,
wisdom, and acquired experience.
Upcoming Events
Spiritual Gifts Workshop
1190 S. Lashley Lane